 Links to More Telvar on the Web

Though most of the available Telvar material is on this site, I've provided this page as a way to find other resources available elsewhere on the net.

Telvar.*  [The new "top-level" page to help you find your way to all the available Telvar content, housed on,, and; surely and are just around the corner!]

Kyle's Original Telvar pages and The Stone Soules Page  [The original pages, housed at Joey Hess' Kite, which I will leave up purely for "historical value" and for all those people who have graciously linked to it.  Don't expect updates though.]

The World of Telvar and Edwin's Bio Page  [Edwin's pages - including a virtual travelogue of the wide world of Telvar.  Currently, off-line.]

NEW!The Telvar Gazetteer and Telvar Bestiary  [Everyone's favorite Telvar publications, written by Gram/David Chappell!  Now back online!]

The Restinford Defenders  [Where to go for information on the party known as the Restinford Defenders, the second Cornell Telvar group and a fantastically successful one at that!  Currently, off-line.]

Kyle's Homepage  [Shameless plug for my personal webpage.]


All pages copyright Kyle Scott MacLea, 1994-2004, excepting works cited by others and artwork, which are copyright of the respective individual.